How To Understand That The Phone Is Being Tapped

How To Understand That The Phone Is Being Tapped
How To Understand That The Phone Is Being Tapped

In Russia, only the special services have the right to wiretap citizens' phones, and then only by a court decision. However, any person can do this if they have a special spyware program. It is usually resorted to by competitors or jealous spouses.

How spyware works for wiretapping

Spyware must be installed on the phone of the person whose conversations you want to listen to. She is able not only to record telephone conversations, but also to intercept SMS messages, and then send them to the desired addressee. Some programs are capable of copying the contact book, transmitting information about the location of the phone and making it possible to hear everything that is happening around it, even when they are not talking on it. Spyware turns your phone into a bug.

How to tell if your phone has spyware

As a rule, such programs do not manifest themselves in any way. They are not easy to spot, but there are certain signs that can help indicate their presence.


Your phone's battery is losing power too quickly - one of the surest signs that it has spyware installed. If the battery is always hot, this is also a bad sign. Naturally, the problem may lie in the device itself, especially if it is more than a year old. However, it doesn't hurt to check your phone for spyware.

"Miracles" in the phone

You should be alarmed by the delay when turning off the device, a sudden reboot and spontaneous turning on of its backlight.


If your phone is lying in close proximity to audio speakers, interfering when you are not talking on it, it is worth considering. This could mean that the spyware has contacted another phone to transfer data to it.

Sounds in the tube

When listening to the phone during a conversation, you can clearly hear in the receiver a variety of extraneous noises, sounds, and sometimes other people's voices. This is a sure sign that there is a special program in it.

Long connection

If you notice that when you call someone, the connection is established for a very long time, and in the same way, the disconnection began to take longer, this is also a sign of wiretapping. This hang is explained by the fact that the program needs time to "wedge" into conversations.

If you find at least one of the above signs, do not be lazy to show your phone to a specialist.
