Popular Myths About Computer Technology

Popular Myths About Computer Technology
Popular Myths About Computer Technology

The broken phone effect even works in the field of computer technology. So people are still wondering what Bill Gates said about RAM, whether Microsoft stole the design from Apple and who owns Linux.

The network does not tire of quoting the words of Bill Gates that it is enough to install RAM no more than 640 KB in computers and this should be enough for all the needs of the user. However, this is nothing more than a myth that was refuted by the creator of Microsoft. Gates admitted that he could say a lot of stupid things during his career, but even an advanced PC specialist will not be able to indicate the exact amount of memory required for everyone.

The second misconception involving Bill Gates is the rumor about the theft of graphic interface design from Apple and its use in the design of the Windows OS. In fact, many of the UI features were used in Windows 1.0 under a licensed license from Apple. However, a number of design elements were carried over to later versions of the operating system. Going to court, Apple's representatives tried to prove that Microsoft got the right to use the interface only for the first release of Windows. The court sided with Bill Gates and found that no theft had occurred within the law.

It is believed that the word "bug" came to the technical lexicon from the animal kingdom. According to one of the versions, in the middle of the 20th century, a computer was tested at Harvard University running on electromechanical relays. The device was constantly getting confused and giving an error. Scientists managed to solve the problem by removing a beetle stuck between the contacts. Hence, it was decided to call any error by the English word bug. However, this is nothing more than a myth, since even in the days of Thomas Edison, malfunctions that occur during work were called bugs, which the scientist repeatedly wrote about in his writings.

Many people think that Android is completely open source. It is known that this OS is more accessible than the iOS platform, and in 2008 the developers received Open Source from Android. However, later, due to unsuccessful optimization, Andy Rubin decided to postpone the opening of the source code in subsequent versions. Only 3 years later, the initial elements were partially laid out for the Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich platform, but the main part of the system remained closed to developers.

Many Linux users still think that the OS was created by Linus Torvalds. However, this is just a delusion. Tovalds was exclusively engaged in the development of the system kernel and did not touch the UI, plugins, additional software and a number of other components that make up Linux.
