How To Find Out The Balance Of Megafon Via SMS

How To Find Out The Balance Of Megafon Via SMS
How To Find Out The Balance Of Megafon Via SMS

Table of contents:


The ability to quickly get information about the balance of the personal account of your mobile phone is an important point in the daily life of everyone who uses this device. This information allows a person to plan replenishment of the balance in order to exclude a situation when the money on the balance suddenly runs out and it becomes impossible to make an important call or go to a favorite site through a mobile phone.


Mobile phone


Step 1

Go to the section for SMS messages on your mobile phone. Usually for such a section in the phone menu there is a tab with the image of a mail envelope.

Step 2

Start the function of creating a new SMS message. On different models of a mobile phone, this function can be indicated by elements of different types. For example, a button labeled New or a menu item New message.

Step 3

In the text of the SMS, enter one letter: "B" (Latin) or "B" (Russian).

Step 4

In the addressee field, in most cases it is signed with the words "To" or "Addressee", dial the number to which the SMS message will be sent - 000100.

Step 5

Send an SMS message by clicking on the element corresponding to this function in the phone. It can be a "Send" or "Send a message" button. Sending such a message is free when the user is in the home network and is charged at the price of an outgoing SMS message when roaming.

Step 6

Information about the current balance of the personal account will be delivered to your mobile phone in a service SMS message. The message, in addition to this information, may also contain information of an advertising nature.
