Why Is The Connection Cut Off

Why Is The Connection Cut Off
Why Is The Connection Cut Off

Cellular problems are familiar to many. Operators' references to poor connection quality due to an unfortunate location and poor-quality line have long become a talk of the town and are not perceived by subscribers as something serious. Are there any more compelling reasons to disconnect?

All telecom operators can motivate the termination of the connection with good goals, namely, concern about the costs of customers, which is indicated in the contract, which, as usual, no one reads. So, to protect against accidental calls, which often arise when the keyboard is not locked, a limit on a single connection has long and firmly been introduced: from 30 minutes to an hour. So if you have been discussing the weather with your boyfriend or girlfriend for 30 or 60 minutes already, get ready for the fact that you are about to be separated, and the discussion about “small short-term rains” will have to be interrupted for a while.: you have run out of money on your balance sheet. So if the interrupted conversation was of some value to you, top up your mobile account and the connection will be restored immediately. The type of connection can also play an important role in a telephone conversation. So, some mobile phones of outdated and not so models can only respond to GSM and, as they say. "I can't stand it", 3G. Therefore, delve into the settings of your mobile device and check the "GSM only" checkbox. Or - reflash it, which, however, does not guarantee good work in the future. If you do not like your phone, constantly drop it, spill coffee on it, and store it not far from heating devices in winter, then a disconnection may be quite natural. In this case, only a service or a communication salon, where you can buy another mobile sufferer, can help you. However, the area, the location of the house, the presence of powerful third-party transmitters and receivers nearby can also certainly affect the quality of communication. If you cannot afford buying a phone with a more powerful antenna, you will have to put up with constant disconnections until you have the opportunity to acquire a new mobile friend.
