If you like to communicate with people on the phone, know how to give competent advice or generate new ideas, then you have a great opportunity to make money using your experience and knowledge. A new service - paid telephone consultation - is now available to both legal entities and individuals. It's simple. Make yourself a pay phone number and earn extra money.
Internet connection, web many wallet or Yandex money and phone account
Step 1
Open a private enterprise and register your services officially. After all, all telephone companies work with individuals or legal entities.
Step 2
Contact your mobile operators and find out the rates. Choose a company that offers the most favorable terms for you. Typically these include: the cost of opening a pay phone number, subscription fees, and profit sharing. (You usually give between 10% and 60%).
Step 3
Sign the contract, place your ads in newspapers, magazines, free and paid message boards on the Internet and get started.