How To Find A Person Via Satellite For Free

How To Find A Person Via Satellite For Free
How To Find A Person Via Satellite For Free

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Currently, it is possible to find a person via satellite and find out his current location completely free of charge. To do this, you can use special mobile and Internet services.


Step 1

Try to find a person via satellite for free using one of the special sites. One of the most famous is Maps-info. Find out how the search for a person by satellite works in the "Satellite family monitoring" section on the main page. The site has a free trial access. To find out the current temporary login and password for entering the system, contact the administration through the "Contacts" section.

Step 2

Install on your mobile phone, as well as on the phone of another person, one of the applications that search by satellite for free. For example, well-known programs for the Android mobile platform - RealTimeTracker, NAVIXY Monitor, Way Gps Phone Tracking and others. They will invisibly activate the GPS on the phone they are installed on and send the current coordinates of the person to your phone.

Step 3

If possible, seek help from friends who work in offices or communication salons or law enforcement agencies to try to find a person by satellite. You can also get help from these specialists if your mobile phone has been stolen by hackers. It is enough to write a corresponding statement and indicate in it as much data as possible about the mobile device and the person who stole it.

Step 4

Currently, all major mobile operators provide subscribers with services to locate other people on their mobile phone. The cost of such services is often low, and some are even provided free of charge. In this case, the search is carried out not by satellite, but by cell towers close to the current location of a person.

Step 5

On the Internet, there are independent developers of search software that distribute it through their sites, and which, according to them, allows you to find a person via satellite anywhere in the world. Be careful, because most of these services are fraudulent, and by installing such software on your phone or computer, you risk harming the equipment, infecting the operating system with a virus and giving fraudsters access to your personal data.
