When The IPhone 5 Comes Out

When The IPhone 5 Comes Out
When The IPhone 5 Comes Out

After Steve Jobs left this world, many critics predicted a complete failure for the followers of the Apple movement. But these were just rumors. At the moment, the owner of this powerful enterprise says that Steve Jobs left a huge legacy for them.

Official sources insist that the former leader and ideological inspirer did not just disappear into oblivion. Many are aware of his radical views. For example, he preferred to make a choice in favor of work rather than leisure, and considered television a negative factor for the development of the country's population. More recently it became known that the current management of the company received a package of projects before the death of the former director. The total length of these projects can take up to 4-5 years. Thus, today Apple has a very good start.

Many employees of the company were not surprised by this news. the release of the iPad tablet took place in 2010. As such, the development of this tablet was carried out and completed back in 2006. According to the stories of the same employees of the company, it became known that Steve Jobs carried out his ideas much earlier than the date of their official release.

Back in the summer of 2011, the media talked about the release of iPhone 5.0, but this information was not confirmed as well as rumors about the release of a new device in the winter of the same year. The most recent forecasts from marketing firms suggest early 2012. This time they argue their words with the promises of Apple's management to release several new versions of devices at once - iPad, iPod and Mac.

Forecasters foreshadow great demand for the iPhone 5.0. At one time, the iPhone 4 received about 600 thousand preliminary applications for its purchase, and the newer model - about a million applications. The share of the latest innovation, according to experts, will account for about 2 million applications. Such a sharp jump is also explained by the death of Steve Jobs, tk. after he passed away, the prices for the company's shareholdings rose by several points.
