Mobile Phone Harm: Speak Up, But Be Careful

Mobile Phone Harm: Speak Up, But Be Careful
Mobile Phone Harm: Speak Up, But Be Careful

The mobile phone is no longer a fashion statement. Now "sotik" is a daily necessity. Conveniently, no doubt about it. The question is: is a mobile phone harmful to health?

Different points of view on the harm of a mobile phone

Is there a relationship between the electromagnetic radiation (EMR) that emanates from a cell phone and the morbidity of subscribers? Experts do not deny the possibility of harm from such radiation. According to the head of the laboratory of electromagnetic fields and physical factors of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision in the Altai Territory Anatoly Yatskevich, the level of electromagnetic radiation of a telephone directly depends on its model. The degree of influence of a mobile phone on a person is determined by the density of the energy flow, as well as the frequency and power of the phone. These indicators should be as low as possible. The whole world uses such phones, but, for example, in Switzerland, pregnant women and children under 16 are prohibited from using them. I asked A. Yatskevich: - Is it true that excessively frequent conversations on a mobile phone can cause cancer? - The occurrence of cancerous tumors specifically from the use of cell phones has not yet been proven. But with prolonged use of the phone - 20-30 minutes - the fabric starts to warm up, the body temperature rises. And this, in turn, causes irritation of the nervous system. The higher the frequency of the telephone's radiation, the more destructive it is for nerve cells. Therefore, I recommend that those who like to communicate on a "cell phone" constantly shift the receiver from one ear to the other. - Where is it safer to carry a cell phone? - You can carry the tube anywhere: around your neck, on your belt or in your purse. When the phone is in standby mode, the handset does not emit electromagnetic energy. It is practically turned off and, therefore, is completely safe for health. - There are two opposite opinions: someone claims that modern cell phones in the form of a miniature earpiece with a microphone get rid of "telephone exposure." Other researchers say that this fashionable device, on the contrary, increases the electromagnetic radiation entering the subscriber's brain by three times. - Headphones do not save and at the same time do not multiply electromagnetic radiation. I can say one thing - while talking, you are within the range of electromagnetic radiation. Such radiation increases when two or more cell phones are operating in the same room in a call mode - electromagnetic energy is overlaid and brings double harm to both owners of the devices. - Today, mobile operators are installing new base stations. Will they not "irradiate" the population? “In Japan, base stations stand like telegraph poles on the streets with a range of five kilometers. Moreover, the Japanese are considered centenarians. From one station a signal is transmitted to another, this is how a call comes to the phone. If the handset has a talk power of about 0.2 watts, then the base station is 800 microwatts. Thus, being in the vicinity of the base station is more harmless than the process of communicating on a mobile phone.

Trust but do not abuse

For all that, the public organization of scientists "Russian National Committee for Protection against Non-Ionizing Radiation" (RNKZNI) recommends against using cell phones for children, pregnant women, epileptics, people suffering from neurological diseases, including neurasthenia, psychopathy, neuroses. And also try not to talk for more than three minutes and be sure to take breaks between conversations for at least a quarter of an hour. This way you can minimize the harm to your mobile phone. Scientists from RNKZNI are supported by the Committee on Ecology of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. Today in the US, cellular service providers have been informing their customers for a long time about the level of electromagnetic radiation from their phones. In Russia, so far, such transparency is only being sought. The question of the harm of a mobile phone remains open. Our experts recommend: when choosing a cell phone model and communication standard, you should pay attention to its characteristics. The digital standard requires more base stations per unit area, so the phone power required for normal operation is lower than that of analogue ones. As for the model, expensive and modern phones are less harmful than cheap and outdated ones.

Protection from mobile phones invented

A kind of "magic wands" appeared on the market - anti-emitters. These are small volumetric stickers on cell phones that cost from 200 rubles, supposedly they reduce the harm of a mobile phone. In addition, the market is replete with metal bags for mobile phones, metal pocket plates, magic bracelets and other devices that also doubtfully reduce the power of the phone's impact on the body. However, this is all not a certified product, so far there is no point in talking about its positive effect. They can even do harm by boosting the power of your mobile phone. “Anti-emitters are a myth,” says Anatoly Yatskevich. - You cannot block the electromagnetic energy of a cell phone with absorbers. Anti-emitters can be installed near a very high power antenna, but not glued to a mobile phone.

Way out

People will no longer give up cell phones, pagers, electronic notebooks, laptop computers, music players, voice recorders and other mobile devices. And if so, one thing remains: the choice of each device must be approached wisely.
