How To Send SMS To Kyivstar For Free

How To Send SMS To Kyivstar For Free
How To Send SMS To Kyivstar For Free

Table of contents:


Like most mobile operators, Kyivstar has a free SMS service for its subscribers. The person with whom you urgently need to contact is in Ukraine, and you do not have the opportunity to call. Send SMS using the internet.

It is necessary

The Internet


Step 1

To send SMS to Kyivstar for free, go to the official website of the mobile operato

Step 2

On the right side of the screen, above the large letters of SMS, click on "View". This word means nothing more than "send".

Step 3

On the page that opens, you will be notified of the number of messages sent to Kyivstar from your computer for the past day: "The current short message has not been sent from your IP address." They will also briefly notify about the new services of the Kyivstar company in the field of sending SMS to their subscribers.

Step 4

In the "Phone number" field, select Kyivstar and a combination of the first three digits of the recipient's phone number. In the adjacent field to the right, enter the remaining seven digits of the number.

Step 5

Select the symbols with which you will write your message in the "Set of symbols" menu: Latin characters ("Latin") or Cyrillic ("Cyrillic").

Step 6

Write your message in the next field "Posting text". To the left of the field for entering text, you will see how many characters you can still write: "120 characters overflowed". One message cannot contain more than 120 characters.

Step 7

Now click on "ViewDirect" which means "Submit".

Step 8

Pictures will appear in front of you. Choose from the offered pictures those that correspond to the task ("In order to send SMS, add 2 pictures of wildlife"). Of the nine pictures, click on the two depicting animals. It is proposed to do this to protect the site from computers / bots.

Step 9

Click on "Edit" again. You will see a notification about sending SMS to Kyivstar and the date of the transaction in Kyiv time.
