When Will The New Polaroid Appear?

When Will The New Polaroid Appear?
When Will The New Polaroid Appear?

Polaroid has been known for its products since the middle of the 20th century. Then, for the first time, unique cameras appeared on the market, capable of producing a finished picture immediately after shooting. By the beginning of this century, the company lost its position against the background of manufacturers of digital equipment. However, a new camera of this famous brand should appear soon.

Everything new is well forgotten old. This famous saying was used by the manufacturers of the recently presented Polaroid Z2300 camera. The machine, which can print the finished picture immediately after shooting, is made in a retro style. The camera has a 10 megapixel sensor. The built-in photographic printer makes it possible to print 2x3-inch photos using the so-called Zink technology - printing without the use of ink.

This product uses waterproof paper to resist stains. It contains tiny crystals that, when heated, turn into dots of various colors. From the yellow, magenta and cyan dots, a minute after shooting, a high quality photo is obtained. The photo itself resembles in appearance the previous Polaroid shots, only in landscape format.

Those of the journalists who managed to test the Polaroid Z2300 noted the lack of focus on the camera, which cannot but affect the quality of the future image. This disadvantage is compensated by increased functionality - the camera is equipped with a high-resolution video function. In addition to the ability to immediately print photos on site, the camera has a large memory that allows you to save up to several hundred images. The LCD screen makes it possible to view the finished images and place them in separate folders.

The estimated cost of the camera in the United States is $ 160, a package of fifty paper cards will cost about $ 25. It is also planned to subsequently master the release of paper, which after shooting can be glued to the desired place. The company expects to release the new product on sale on August 15, 2012. Those interested already have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the appearance and technical characteristics of the Z2300 on the Polaroid website.
