Every season, mobile operators launch new promotions and lucrative tariff plans. Beeline is no exception. Among its subscribers there are people who constantly follow the trends of cellular operators and often change tariff plans, sometimes forgetting the name of the tariff itself. And without knowing the name of the tariff plan, we cannot track the cost of a call minute, SMS, Internet traffic and other services.

Step 1
Let's assume that you haven't changed your tariff since the moment you bought your SIM card. Then it must be specified in the contract.
Step 2
If you changed the tariff, and more than once, a good way to find out the current tariff plan would be to dial * 110 * 05 # on your phone and call. This combination is free for Beeline subscribers. In response, in 2-3 minutes you will receive an SMS message, which will indicate the name of the tariff, as well as the date of its activation and for which area this tariff plan has been developed.
Step 3
Also a good way to call the call center of the company "Beeline" on the short number 0611. This call is not charged, absolutely free. Your call will be answered by an operator or a Beeline manager. Ask him what the current tariff plan is on your SIM-card, explaining that you often switch and his name just "fell out of your head."