How To Find A Person On Instagram By Phone Number

How To Find A Person On Instagram By Phone Number
How To Find A Person On Instagram By Phone Number

Active users of social networks often need to find a person on Instagram by phone number. Such a function is indeed available on the popular photo posting service, you just need to perform a few manipulations on your mobile phone.

Adding a person on Instagram by number

First, make sure you are using the most recent version of the Instagram app on your mobile phone. Only then will you have access to the option you want. After logging in to the service using your username and password, click on the "Add user" icon in the upper right corner of the screen (with an image in the form of a man) and, if necessary, confirm permission to use the phone book by the application.

After completing the indicated steps, go to the "Contacts" tab with a list of people from your phone book who indicated their phone number when registering on the social network. Accordingly, already at this step, you can find a person on Instagram by phone number, for example, a close friend or relative. If you know the mobile number of a person who is not in the contact list, add it to the phone book on your smartphone, restart Instagram and follow the procedure for adding a new user again.

More ways to find someone on Instagram

Not all users indicate their own phone number during the registration process on Instagram, but even in this case, you can try to find the right person. In the app, go to the Interesting People tab and then select Recommendations. Here, most likely, a rather voluminous list of social network users will be displayed, among which may be useful contacts for you.

Try deleting the numbers of people you are interested in one by one from your phone book, and then refresh the Instagram Recommendations tab. If anyone on this list disappears after the contact information has been deleted, chances are you found a match using the information previously available. Now add the number to your directory again and then start adding a user already on Instagram.

If these manipulations still did not help in finding certain users, try installing as many social networking applications on your smartphone as possible, and especially pay attention to VK and Facebook. If you have friends in these social networks, then in the future the Instagram application will recommend users already taking into account the matches for the specified services.
