How To Change The Prefix

How To Change The Prefix
How To Change The Prefix

Table of contents:


The prefix is automatically added to the name of the MySql database tables. It defaults to jos. A prefix is used for additional protection against hacking, as well as for installing multiple Joomla panels on one database.


  • - a computer connected to the Internet;
  • - skills in working with Mysql;
  • - Wordpress.


Step 1

Use the plugin to change the WP-Security-Scan table prefix. You can install it by going to Go to the plugin window, then in the Change the current field, enter the desired prefix, then click the Start Renaming button.

Step 2

Use the Table Prefix Rename Plugin to change the prefix in Wordpress. To install it, go to Install the plugin, then go to Settings. The process of changing the prefix in this case consists of two stages.

Step 3

First, enter a new table prefix in the New Table Prefix window, then click the Generate new tables button to generate tables based on the new table prefix. Go to the server, open the wp-config.php file with notepad. Find the table name in it and enter the new prefix in it. Next, replace the tables. To do this, click on the Change table prefix button.

Step 4

Go to server, open php MyAdmin. Old tables with the previous prefix remain here, so you need to get rid of them. Check the boxes and remove them.

Step 5

Change the table prefix in the database using direct SQL queries. To do this, first make a backup of your database. Go to php MyAdmin, open the requests window. Enter the following text in it: Rename table wp_posts to "Enter a new prefix" _posts; This is a query that will rename a single table. There may be several such tables on the site. Each of them must be queried to replace the prefix.

Step 6

After that, edit the Prefix_options table, for this, make a query with the text Update “Enter a new prefix” _options set option_name = ’“New prefix name”c_user_roles’ where option_name = ’wp_user_roles’ limit 1;. Repeat this query for each option that uses the old prefixes. Next, edit the configuration file and add a new prefix there.
