How Microsoft's Total Surveillance Technology Works

How Microsoft's Total Surveillance Technology Works
How Microsoft's Total Surveillance Technology Works

Modern technologies make it possible to find and disclose information about a person's private life, even if he would prefer to hide it. Therefore, new developments that can be used to spy on people have many opponents. Microsoft projects were no exception.

The US Patent Office has released information that Microsoft has acquired the rights to Life Streaming technology. It allows you to record and save everything that happens in the user's life. It is enough just to fix a special device on the head of a person. This technology also includes a search function for recordings and the ability to broadcast to another similar device. According to the creators, the purpose of this development is to facilitate the process of sharing impressions so that a person without special skills could not think about the angle or focus of shooting events, but simply share their impressions. However, these records will be indexed and stored on Microsoft servers, which makes it possible for total monitoring of a person and the incorrect use of this data. Microsoft is actively developing various tracking systems. For example, in 2008 the company presented a personnel monitoring system. Employees are connected to the system using special wireless sensors, after which their physiological parameters (pulse, body temperature, etc.) are analyzed. In the event of a critical level of stress or a dangerous deviation of any indicator, the system will send a signal to the manager. In 2009, the company patented the Legal Intercept technology, which allows tracking and recording user calls made using VoIP telephony. And the hacker Nadim Kobeissi accused the corporation of the fact that the SmartScreen application in Windows 8 collects information about programs installed by users. However, Bill Gates' company actively denies this fact. Nevertheless, this organization has developments designed to protect people, and not to interfere in their lives. In August 2012, the Domain Awareness System, developed in partnership with Microsoft, was launched in New York. It is based on the receipt of information from various readers of identification signs, street cameras and other sensors located in the city. The project is designed to help the police in preventing crime and combating terrorist threats.
