How To Solder The Programmer

How To Solder The Programmer
How To Solder The Programmer

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Programmers are hardware and software elements that write and read information into a specific read-only memory. They can be purchased at a specialized store or on the radio market, or soldered on your own, which will be much cheaper.


Step 1

Find or design the electronic circuit of the programmer that you need. After that, you need to create a printed circuit board. To do this, use special software, for example, Pcad. This part of the work is the most difficult, as it requires attention, perseverance and a little logical thinking. After all the elements of the programmer are assembled into a single electronic board with the optimal solution, you can proceed to direct soldering.

Step 2

Prepare a breadboard of the correct size on which the programmer will be soldered. Purchase all the elements of the chain at the radio market or in a special store. It is recommended to use ATMega48 or ATMega8 as a controller. Make a PCB and bleed it, then solder all the components to it.

Step 3

This must be done carefully so as not to damage or overheat any of the elements. Check the functionality of the connections made. If the tester does not detect a signal along one of the lines, then it is necessary to correct the error in order to avoid damage and distortion of information in the future.

Step 4

Turn on the power of the microcontroller and apply a signal to the reset input, which will allow the programmer to switch to the read mode of the internal memory. If necessary, set certain logic levels on the pins to prevent accidental memory corruption. Use the serial code to transfer information from the microcontroller to the programmer. Follow each shock along the sync line with a generated pulse.

Step 5

Finish setting up the soldered programmer. Perform a check read of the recorded data, clear the enable signal, and turn off the power. After that, you can use the programmer to flash the controller, microcircuits or other devices.
