How To Buy A Camcorder

How To Buy A Camcorder
How To Buy A Camcorder

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Those who want to create a home video archive have acquired a video camera for a long time. If you are also planning such an acquisition, then you need to know that new-generation cameras, with a small size and relatively inexpensive cost, allow you to shoot video in a sufficiently high resolution with the subsequent ability to process it and edit it in special editing programs.


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Step 1

Choose which medium your camera should record information on. From this point of view, cameras are divided into several types, which write to SD cards, hard drives, DVD discs or miniDV cassettes.

The latest generation of camcorders capable of shooting video in fullHD write mainly to SD cards in the AVCHD format. This format is widespread and supported by many editing software.

Step 2

Planning to shoot an interview? Then choose a model with the ability to connect an external microphone. To do this, the camera must have a microphone output and a special area for attaching the microphone. If there is no such platform, use a special mount, the so-called "giraffe".

Step 3

Find out how much the battery on your camera is designed for and if it is possible to buy a battery with a larger capacity, if necessary. Remember that a lack of battery power can disrupt any, even carefully prepared shooting, so, if possible, purchase several batteries at once.
