How To Choose A TV Antenna

How To Choose A TV Antenna
How To Choose A TV Antenna

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If you are not satisfied with the quality of the collective antenna, you will have to purchase an individual one. Today on the market you can buy the appropriate equipment of both domestic and foreign production. The choice of a television antenna is determined by the conditions of signal reception, the location of the intended location of the antenna, the presence of a direct line of sight to the television center, the design features of the roof, etc.


Step 1

If there is a direct line of sight between the television center and the antenna installation site, the so-called passive television antenna will be most suitable. If you are at a considerable distance from the telecentre, the choice should be made in favor of an antenna with a built-in amplifier and a power supply unit with an adapter.

Step 2

The TV antenna can be outdoor or indoor. An indoor antenna is more attractive in cost, it is easy to use, since it can be easily moved and connected to another television receiver. The disadvantage of such an antenna is that it needs careful tuning and orientation indoors. An active antenna with an amplifier will help to partially eliminate this disadvantage.

Step 3

The outdoor antenna has the best signal reception capabilities. The highest quality of signal reception will be provided by an active antenna with a broadband amplifier of the meter and decimeter wavelengths. Such an antenna receives a stable signal at an average distance from the broadcast center, and 2-3 receivers can be connected to it.

Step 4

The best choice, of course, will be a satellite dish, which allows you to forget about the interference, the cause of which in other cases is the distance from the TV center or the terrain. The satellite dish signal can be weakened only by very heavy rainfall or snow.

Step 5

Sometimes you have to deal with the fact that distortion or sound occurs near a television center or repeater. To eliminate these phenomena, devices that attenuate the signal (attenuators) are used. The second way to cope with this problem is to choose a TV receiver model that is less sensitive to distortion of a strong signal.

Step 6

If the signal strength is insufficient, noise appears on the screen. They are eliminated by changing the position of the antenna, its installation location and height. If the effect is insufficient, antenna amplifiers are used.
