Why Does The Phone Drain Quickly?

Why Does The Phone Drain Quickly?
Why Does The Phone Drain Quickly?

The signal of a discharging cell phone sometimes sounds like a sentence. A dead battery puts an end to such great opportunities not long ago - to call, listen to music, watch a movie at any time. It is especially unpleasant when the battery discharge is consumed very quickly, and for reasons unknown to the user, a fully charged mobile phone suddenly "goes to zero" in 3-4 hours of not too intensive use.

If the rapid discharge of the battery has become systemic, then it makes sense to pay attention to the rather simple rules for caring for a cell phone battery. Try to drain the battery completely. To do this, put the phone down and let it "die" by itself. Then remove the battery from the compartment and put it back in after a couple of minutes. While waiting time, inspect the contacts on the body of the battery. Wipe them with a dry, lint-free cloth and do not use any cleaning fluids. Insert the battery into your phone and let it charge for eight hours. This procedure can partially restore the battery capacity. However, if the mobile phone has been in the closet for a long time with the battery inserted, only the so-called "swing" will help. You need to apply 5-6V to the battery connectors. Such a shock will spur the battery, the voltage will appear, which means that the telephone battery can be charged in the usual way. A rapid discharge of the phone may also be due to the switched on functions of the device. Recently, mobile phones have become more and more like computers. Wireless communication and file transfer modules, GPS system, Internet traffic - all these rich features of mobile phones require constant replenishment of energy. Also, a lot of resources are taken up by a large display, on which it is so convenient to watch movies and play with toys. Speaking of toys, it should be noted that this is one of the most expensive items of the battery. After all, modern games for mobile platforms require maximum work of the graphics accelerator and processor. The combination of a constantly operating display at maximum brightness and a heavy load on the processor and graphics accelerator results in a freshly charged battery squeezing out like a lemon in 3-4 hours of continuous use. To prevent this from happening, you need to monitor the active services of the phone and disable those that are no longer needed at the moment. These are, first of all, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and GPS navigation modules, as well as access to the Internet GPRS service. Don't forget the display backlight, which is also quite power hungry. Adjust it manually or automatically. The time interval recommended by many manufacturers, after which it is advisable to turn off the backlight for reasons of saving battery life, is 10-15 seconds.
