How To Transfer Contacts From Android To Computer

How To Transfer Contacts From Android To Computer
How To Transfer Contacts From Android To Computer

Owners of mobile devices based on Android OS want to be sure that in any incident related to their smartphone, the stored numbers and other data will not be lost.

Account creation and login

To be sure that the saved phone numbers on your mobile device will not be lost in the event of a problem, you need to sync the phone with Google. To do this, you need to turn on your smartphone and start the Internet on it. After the connection is received, you need to go to the "Settings" menu and find the item "Accounts and synchronization". Here you need to select your account (the "Use existing" button, after clicking which you need to specify the login and password of the Gmail mail), and if it is not there, then click on the "Create" button. When creating, the owner of a mobile device based on OS Android will have to indicate his full name, login and password for mail, as well as the phone number to which the Gmail account will be linked. When everything is ready, you will see the sync menu.

In the synchronization menu, the owner of a mobile device based on Android OS can select several items, these are: contacts, gmail (mail), web albums, and also a calendar. In order to transfer existing contacts to your computer, you need to tick the box next to "Synchronize: contacts" and click "Update". Synchronization of contacts can start automatically, but the only thing that is required from the user in any case is to wait until the end of the procedure.

When the synchronization is complete, you will need to open the Gmail mail on your computer and log in to the system using the username and password that were used on the phone. In the upper left corner, you need to find the Gmail button (located under the Google label). In the drop-down menu, select the "Contacts" parameter. After clicking, your contacts window will appear. You can easily save them as a file and be sure that you will not lose contact with colleagues and relatives.

Archive with contacts

In order to save the results as a file on your computer, you need to log into Google Archiver. Click on the "Select Services" button and select "Contacts" from the list. You may need to enter the water password again. Don't worry, Google is most likely using this as additional protection.

Next, you need to configure the future archive. To do this, click on the image of the small arrow in the lower right corner and select the HTML type as the saved file, after which you can safely click on the "Create archive" button. The archive will be created, and you will only have to download it to your computer using the appropriate button ("Download"). As a result, you will receive an archive with the username. You need to unzip it, after which you will see the file "All addresses". All your contacts will be stored in it.
