How To Come Up With A Hard-to-crack Password

How To Come Up With A Hard-to-crack Password
How To Come Up With A Hard-to-crack Password

In the wake of interest in the mythical Russian hackers who break into even the body of the unfortunate Titanic, I would like to recall such an important issue as maintaining access to various services on the Internet under your control. How do you come up with a password that is difficult to guess?

Why come up with a strong password?

Today, each user has to work with many services on the Internet. For your profile on social networks, on entertainment and professional sites, to your email account, to access your bank account, you need to come up with a password that will be difficult to crack even for an experienced hacker, because hacking your personal account is often fraught with material losses.

What password is considered weak?

When registering on the next site, you must remember several criteria that must be taken into account. Passwords for different services must be different!

You can't come up with simple passwords. Examples of such passwords are 123, 12345, 321, 654321, 123456789, qwerty, password, (your date of birth), (your first / last name / patronymic), (the name of your beloved cat) and the like.

Password should not be short. It is advisable to come up with a password with a length of at least 8-10 characters.

Two very easy ways to come up with a strong password

The first way. Type letters (uppercase and lowercase), numbers, and special characters (for example, &,%,},>, etc.) in a text editor in any order.

Second way. Remember the long Russian word and write it down in the English layout (for example, long-necked - lkbyyjittt), then replace some letters with capital letters, and insert a few numbers and special characters between them. You should get something like - l2k9byY2 @ -ji + ttT.

This password is difficult to remember, so write it down on a piece of paper and hide it in a safe place. Do not store the list of passwords only on a computer or smartphone, because you will lose access to services if your gadgets break.
