Even in the recent past, owners of push-button telephones could appreciate the functionality of the T9 auto-correct text. Screenshots of funny and ridiculous correspondence are still found on social networks. Be that as it may, the technology of automatic text replacement has successfully migrated to smartphones, but the user is not always so necessary.

There is no point in arguing about the usefulness of this feature. Reducing the typing time and the absence of grammatical errors greatly facilitate the process of correspondence in the same messengers. However, we rarely use only literary language when communicating with friends. Many names in English, written in Latin, are much easier to read and remember. Youth slang is also not included in the auto-correction dictionary library, as a result, we get not only an incorrectly corrected word, but also an incorrectly interpreted message received by the interlocutor in the chat. In such cases, manual input is the only correct method of typing.
Android lets you disable AutoCorrect text in a few simple steps. It does not matter the phone model, firmware version, installed launcher, as well as the developer of the virtual keyboard itself. Regardless of the version of the operating system and the great variety of interface options, the method is universal.
As with any other changes, you need to go to the settings, then we find the line "language and input". In the opened menu branch, select the "keyboard name" and click on it, or on the gear next to the name. The next item is "autocorrection" or "autocorrect", by tapping your finger on which, it remains only to put a tick in front of the "disable" line.