How Much Is Furby

How Much Is Furby
How Much Is Furby

An interactive Furby toy will become an excellent friend and companion for a child, especially if, for some reason, the parents do not have the opportunity to have a pet. Many are interested in how much Furby costs. However, before looking for an answer to this question, you should understand what types of toys are on sale.

How much is Furby cold and warm wave

Furby toys appeared on the market several years ago. They knew how to make various sounds, sing, dance, react to touch.

In 2013, Hasbro delivered a modified interactive toy to stores in Russia, which not only has several phrases in Russian in its vocabulary, but is also capable of learning new words and sentences. Furby, who speaks Russian, has many color variations. Moreover, its price does not differ depending on this characteristic. Such toys cost from 3,500 to 4,500 rubles in large children's chain stores. At the same time, Furby can be purchased cheaper during various promotions. You can also make a profitable purchase if you buy a toy complete with a set of accessories. For Furby, carry bags, glasses, pillows, headphones and more are sold.

How much is Furby Boom

At the end of 2013, Hasbro went further, inspired by its success in the interactive Russian-language toys market, and released a new product - Furby Boom. Such a toy has all the capabilities and abilities of an ordinary Furby. Its main difference is that it can reproduce. Furby Boom lays interactive eggs in a special application that can be installed on a tablet or phone, little Furlings hatch from eggs. Eggs and babies require care and play with them.

Furby Boom toy costs about 4000 rubles.

How much is Little Furby

An ordinary Furby (including Furby Boom) can change its character depending on how the owner behaves with him. He can be mean, kind, crazy and funny. However, not all parents can afford such a toy. But even this is not currently a problem. Together with Furby Boom, mini copies of Furby appeared on the market, his friends who cannot change their character, but they also chat merrily, dance and sing songs. Such a toy can be purchased for about 1000 rubles or a little more. Little Furbies initially have a special character inherent in them, while they can freely communicate with other interactive brothers and successfully understand them.
