How To Set Up An Amos Satellite

How To Set Up An Amos Satellite
How To Set Up An Amos Satellite

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Satellite TV allows you to receive digital channels from satellites located in geostationary orbit anywhere on the Earth that is within their coverage area. To do this, it is enough to have a satellite tuner or a DVB card for a PC (internal or external), a computer or a TV set. You can set up the equipment for signal reception by contacting the antenna master, or by yourself. To do this, you only need to know a few parameters and have patience.

It is necessary

  • - compass;
  • - satellite receiver;
  • - television.


Step 1

Determine the geographic coordinates of your city using the website After that, open the map of the coverage area of the Amos 2/3 4W satellite. Since the satellites are located in geostationary orbit, their location is practically unchanged. It is possible to catch a signal from a satellite only if your settlement falls within this zone. More precisely, this can be determined on the site pag

Step 2

Aim the antenna towards the intended area of the satellite. To find it, use either the compass (in azimuth) or the Satellite Antenna Alignment program (in the sun). The latter option is the most acceptable, but a computer may not always be at hand.

Step 3

Take a compass and determine the direction to the south. Knowing your coordinates, for example, 38 deg. and 46 degrees N, you can roughly determine which satellite in your area is located strictly to the south. According to the example, south = 38 degrees, i.e. above you "hangs" the satellite NTV +, Eutelsat W4 36e. Accordingly, Amos 2/3 4W will be located on the right.

Step 4

Turn the antenna to the right as far as it will go. Set it about 5 degrees below the horizontal. Set the converter (head) to "0". Connect one end of the coaxial cable to it with the F-connector. Attach the second to the satellite receiver. Connect the tuner to your TV and turn it on. Tune the receiver to the Amos 2/3 4W satellite via the menu. At the bottom of the setup window, the following will be displayed: 0% - signal quality and 0% - signal strength.

Step 5

Start moving the antenna slowly to the left. If the signal does not appear, raise it one degree. Search for the satellite again. Broadcasting goes from it continuously, so the signal is always there. Make sure that there are no obstacles in front of the antenna, such as the walls of a house or tall trees. Raise the antenna one degree after each search. When a signal appears, achieve its highest strength and fix it. Turn the converter to increase the power, fix it. Scan the satellite with the receiver.
