What Is Tilt-Shift Photography

What Is Tilt-Shift Photography
What Is Tilt-Shift Photography

Have you ever seen pictures of naturalistic models of railways, airports, etc.? They are eye-catching and look like a real fairy-tale world. It turns out that you can take such a photo without making a complex model of a beautiful area.

Tilt-Shift is a special photography technique that allows you to turn the ordinary boring reality that surrounds everyone into some kind of fairy-tale puppet world. Photos taken with this technique look amazing. True, if the subject and the shooting point are correctly selected.

Actually, a tilt-shift photograph is an ordinary frame in which only 1-2 objects are clearly visible, for example, a car, a small house, a couple of figures of people, the rest is all blurry. All this creates the impression that a toy world, a naturalistic model, was filmed.

How to take a photo like this? If you need to photograph large enough objects, you will have to suffer with the shooting point - it must be high enough and far away to capture everything you need in the frame and create a beautiful frame.

A special lens is used to create a tilt-shift. But if you do not want to spend money on equipment, you can get by with processing the frame in a photo editor. You can use online services such as TiltShiftmaker, TiltShift Generator. More options are available in Adobe Photoshop (online or offline versions). GIMP is considered a good editor. Those who find such multifunctional editors difficult can be advised, for example, "Home Photo Studio", which has such an effect (the object is set, which will be clear, the photo is blurred to the edges).

By the way, smartphones now also have the opportunity to make such a photo very simply. For example, on ASUS Zenfone, when photographing, you can immediately select this effect and literally in one motion get such an interesting photo.
