How Much Is A Wooden House With Your Own Hands

How Much Is A Wooden House With Your Own Hands
How Much Is A Wooden House With Your Own Hands

It is no secret that the housing shortage, despite the constantly expanding real estate market, is gradually penetrating the countryside …

Young people grow up, create families, and not every family has the opportunity (and sometimes the desire) to live in the city. But what if the finished home is too expensive? There is a simple and obvious way out - build it! You can (owning simple skills, and guided by the information on the network) build it yourself, or fork out for professional builders. But, in any case, all building materials will be your area of responsibility. No, there are companies that build on a turnkey basis from their own materials, but believe a builder with 16 years of experience, it will definitely be more expensive than buying a secondary, is it worth building a garden?

So, in this article we will consider what we need to build a wooden house for a family of 3-4 people, estimate an approximate calculation and terms of work.

What is a house made of?

So, we will disassemble our future house into elements, each of which, in turn, will also be decomposed into its constituent elements. Their number, configuration and volume may vary, but the main thing is that they are all present in the structure of the building.

but. Roof - it includes a ridge (stoics, a central girder and a ridge beam), rafters, spacers - jibs, cornices, pediment (not always), lathing, roof

b. A log house is an upper trim, ceiling beams, ceiling, walls directly, capital, interior partitions, floors, floor beams, central girder, lower trim

in. Base (foundation) It can be monolithic (tape), as well as piles, pedestals, etc.

All the rest (veranda, porch, utility rooms) are attached to the house. One caveat - the best solution would be to bring everything under one roof, but these are details. We are considering exclusively residential construction.

Necessary materials

The house starts from the foundation. For him we need cement, crushed stone, sand, rubble stone. You also need to stock up on a bar for reinforcement, a board, self-tapping screws and a 5x10 bar for formwork. Do not be too lazy to stock up on used, but relatively intact, film, or collect cardboard boxes in stores for free - they will be given to you without any problems in the countryside. Also prepare the material for the waterproofing of the log house - pieces of roofing material and a piece of tar

The next one is a blockhouse. For it, we need a timber, usually 15x15, but if the climate allows, you can get by with 10x15, or, for severe frosts, 15x18. For the lower strapping, I advise you to use a bar 2-3 cm wider. For capital, a 10x15 bar is used (as a rule), for interior partitions, it is the same, or a frame made of a 5x10 bar, sheathed with boards. Insulation "Isover", or its analogs, is commonly used for laying between the crowns. You will also need a 2x2 rail for dowels, buy plywood and nails. We make the ceiling beams from a 10x15 bar. For a ceiling 2, 5x15, for floors - a board 4x15, or 5x15. The central run under the floor beams is made from the same material as the lower strapping, the floor beams are 15x15, or 15x18 timber

And finally the roof. It should be as light as possible, so choose light woods for it (most often it is a spruce) For a ridge, racks under it, and a central run, a 10x15 bar is used, the rafters are usually made from a 5x15 board, a 5x10 bar is used for jibs and rafters. The eaves frame is also assembled from pieces of 5x15 boards, and sheathed with 2, 5x15 boards. The lathing - in principle, is sewn from any inch board, but we will take a board 2, 5x15 for the calculation. For roofing, as experience shows, the most economical of durable materials is galvanized profiled sheet. It is also necessary to take the required number of roofing screws to it, ridge and ebb profiles on the crate, under the roof we must put a vapor barrier film with the wind - for this the roof will thank you with a long service life, and the absence of it in the attic. Ceiling insulation is easier and cheaper to do by filling the attic with a layer of sawdust. As they say - cheap and cheerful

Material Counting and Costing

So, below I give a list of all the materials with the indicated numbers of the required quantity. The proposed house will be 7x8 m in size, with 2 rooms, a hall and a kitchen (actually a completed object) Since we have an average calculation, please take into account that prices for building materials may differ by region, but the total amount is unlikely to vary greatly. I do not include in the list little things that cost a penny, and you will not need so many of them - staples for a stapler, cutting wheels, roofing material, etc.

  • cement - 800kg
  • sand - 2, 5 cube / m
  • crushed stone - 2 cube / m
  • quarrystone (rock stone) - 2 cube / m
  • reinforcing bar - 60 m / p
  • timber 15x18 - 10pcs
  • timber 15x15 - 165pcs
  • timber 10x15 - 26pcs
  • bar 5x10 - 10pcs
  • bar 2x2 - 10pcs
  • board 2, 5 unedged - 50pcs
  • board 5x15 - 100pcs
  • buy edged board 2, 5x15 - 150pcs
  • nails 120mm - 20kg
  • nails100mm - 15kg
  • nails 70mm
  • self-tapping screws 3, 5x51 - 200pcs
  • self-tapping screws 3, 5x75 - 100pcs
  • Galvanized professional sheet - 80kv / m
  • Ridge profile galvanized - 4 pieces
  • Casting profile sc. - 7 pcs.
  • roofing screws 55mm -700pcs
  • roofing screws 70mm - 60pcs
  • Izover - 3 rolls
  • Izospan - 170sq / m (3 rolls)

All lumber is taken here 4 meters. Using a table (you can easily find it on the Internet), we calculate the total volume of lumber required. I got it: 29 cubic meters

now we multiply 29x6500 (the average cost of a cubic meter of lumber in Russia), and we get: 188500 rubles. We add the cost of the profiled sheet and corner profiles: 80x200 + 4x250 + 7x200 = 16400

Isover - 3x850 = 2550r

Izospan - 3x1250 = 3750r

Consumables: nails, screws. fittings, and other little things separately does not make sense to count, but everything fits into 10 - 12 thousand rubles.

So, to summarize: to buy all the materials for the construction of a log house, we need about 220,000-225,000 rubles. And this is without taking into account the purchase of windows and doors, interior decoration. electricians and plumbers, as well as work on their installation. But! You can always find cheaper, you build for yourself, taking into account your desires and needs, and you are not limited in time. If you have money - build, no - save. You can build yourself, saving a lot, but only if you are confident in your abilities! Remember: remodeling is more expensive!
