How To Pay A Fine Through The Terminal

How To Pay A Fine Through The Terminal
How To Pay A Fine Through The Terminal

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The legislation provides for liability for committing a number of offenses in the form of a fine. Not so long ago, to pay a fine, you had to fill out a receipt and look for the nearest bank branch, preparing to lose half a day waiting in line. Now everything has become much easier, because you can pay the fine through the terminal.


Step 1

There are several types of terminals, but the principle of their use is similar. To pay the fine in cash, select the "Payment for services" item in the terminal menu, the screen will be updated, click on the "Fines, state duties" button. Select from the proposed options the type of fine that suits your case (for example, a traffic police fine) by clicking on the appropriate button.

Step 2

Read the terms of payment of the fine through the terminal - you will be notified of the amount of the commission charged for the operation - and click on the "Next" button. Using the virtual keyboard, enter the number of the order on the basis of which you want to make the payment, the date of its issuance and other details. By clicking on the "Next" button, fill in all the fields that will appear on the screen in sequence - last name, first name, patronymic, registration address, and so on.

Step 3

Specify in the appropriate field the amount of the fine, the self-service device will calculate in a few seconds and display the amount that you will need to pay, taking into account the accrued commission. Insert banknotes of the appropriate denomination into the bill acceptor. Remember that terminals do not give change. Receive a receipt confirming the transaction through the self-service device.

Step 4

It is also possible to pay fines, in particular, the traffic police using a bank card. To pay a fine through the Sberbank terminal, insert your card into the self-service device, enter the PIN-code, select "Payment of administrative fines" from the menu. Select the required traffic police unit from the list (this information is in the decree). Next, select a series of regulations and enter its number. Specify the amount of the fine and click on the "Pay" button. Take your bank card and a receipt confirming the transaction.

Step 5

Approximately by the same principle, you can pay fines without even leaving your computer, using virtual terminals. Operations can be performed in the personal account of your bank, debiting money from the card. It is also possible to pay fines from a cell phone account, for example, when using the Easy Payment service with the MTS mobile operator.
