How To Use The Village's Parking Douche App

How To Use The Village's Parking Douche App
How To Use The Village's Parking Douche App

Parking Douche was created by The Village, an electronic magazine, to tackle a specific category of offenders. The main goal of this application is to reduce the number of drivers who do not comply with parking rules on city streets.

The Parking Douche app was originally designed to be installed on mobile devices. These devices must work under the operating system Google Android. The application is currently available on the official service of the company. Anyone can install it, because the program is distributed free of charge.

To transfer information to the official website of the project, it is necessary to photograph the car from two angles. In the first frame, there should be a general background, against which the incorrect position of the car on the roadway or in another place will be visible. The second photo must contain the car number. After taking two shots, the vehicle registration form will automatically open.

Enter the car number in it and indicate the features of the body (color and type). The Parking Douche application will automatically send information to the server, along with adding information about the geographical position of the photographed vehicle. This technology is used to sort photos. Users will be automatically shown cars located in their immediate vicinity.

In addition, this information will be displayed on the official website of The Village magazine. Visitors to the resource will see a pop-up banner making it difficult to view the page. The user will be able to continue spreading information through accounts in social networks or simply close the banner.

The latest updates allow the Parking Douche app to be installed on Apple devices (iPhone and iPad). The required version is located on the official App Store service. In the near future, it is planned to create similar programs for other major world powers.
