Who Invented The Hoverboard

Who Invented The Hoverboard
Who Invented The Hoverboard

A hoverboard is a street electric vehicle on two wheels, which is set in motion by moving the center of gravity of the body. It has become very popular among modern youth, and therefore teenagers often wonder who invented the gyro scooter.

The first ideas about the invention of vehicles that could move and be controlled by balancing a person on them were tested in the distant 90s. Most often, the progenitor of a gyroscooter is called a segway, which is distinguished from a gyroscooter by the presence of a steering column.

The first gyro scooters in their modern form appeared in the early 2010s. And when asked who invented the gyro scooter, most often they call the name of Dean Kamen, the American inventor of many electronic devices.

The author of the balance bar, which allows you to change the direction of movement by moving the body, was born into an ordinary family of an illustrator, but already at school he was distinguished by an extraordinary mind. As a teenager and passionate about electronics and robotics, he made his first robotic light music device.

After graduating from Worcester Polytechnic Institute, he did not stop his inventive activity, and before he invented a gyro scooter, he worked on the development of various medical devices: an automatic syringe for diabetics, a hemodialysis device with remote control using a mobile connection, and others.

Then he became the founder of the company "DEKA Research & Development Corp", which also owns the idea of developing a gyro scooter. Dean worked on the Segway for several years, his first model came to the public in 2001, and already in 2014 his “younger brothers” - a gyroboard and a mini-segway - went on sale.

In the wake of the popularity of gyro scooters, many Korean and Chinese companies launched them into mass production, began to modernize the existing models. However, such companies often use cheap analogs of electronics, materials used in the hoverboard, which Dean Kamen invented, and therefore, when buying a toy, you should pay special attention to the place of its production.
