How To Change The Pickup

How To Change The Pickup
How To Change The Pickup

Table of contents:


How to replace the cartridge in a turntable is described in detail in the instructions for it. But it often happens that the pickup itself breaks in half. This happens especially often if it is made of plastic. You can also replace it yourself.


Step 1

Buy a new tonearm. It must be the same length, fit in the same way as the old one, and also be designed to use the same type of cartridge; sometimes it is more convenient to buy an entire faulty turntable (EPU) and remove the cartridge from it. Spare parts from it can then be used if repair of the existing EPU is required.

Step 2

Turn off the power of the microphone. Unplug its mains plug from the socket. If the device is lamp, wait a few minutes for the capacitors to discharge.

Step 3

Pull the crown out of the broken tonearm. Save it.

Step 4

Pull the faceplate gently vertically. She will be removed.

Step 5

Locate the screws under the faceplate that hold the turntable to the chassis. Take it off.

Step 6

Unsolder the tonearm cable sheath and center cable from the amplifier input. If the device is stereo, remember where which channel was connected.

Step 7

Find the large nut that secures the cartridge pivot to the EPU. Unscrew it and pull out the old tonearm along with the swing mechanism.

Step 8

Install the new tonearm with its swing mechanism. Secure it with the same nut. Do not overtighten it under any circumstances, so as not to break the thread.

Step 9

Solder the new cartridge cable to the amplifier input.

Step 10

Reinstall the EPU, keeping the tonearm cable away from the electrical and mechanical components of both the turntable and other electronic components. Secure the EPU.

Step 11

Replace the faceplate. Insert the cartridge into the new cartridge. Switch on the microphone and test it in operation.

Step 12

Make sure that the hitchhiking is working correctly, if necessary, contact a specialist for its repair, if you do not know how to fix this malfunction yourself.

Step 13

If the EPU has a stroboscope, as well as speed and downforce regulators, re-adjust the rotational speed of the faceplate and the force of pressing the head against the plate.
