How To Polish Glass On Your Phone

How To Polish Glass On Your Phone
How To Polish Glass On Your Phone

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Mobile phones are an irreplaceable means of communication in our life. However, the technologies of their maintenance and care aimed at preserving their original appearance still require additional improvement. Care questions are especially relevant when you need to polish the glass on your phone.


  • - polishing wheels;
  • - polishing paste;
  • - cotton swabs.


Step 1

Assess the degree of wear and tear on the glass on your phone. Perhaps, in the case of your phone, it will be enough just to glue a special protective film, which will return the glass to its smoothness and pristine shine. If, nevertheless, you think that the glass on your phone is worn out, then proceed to update it.

Step 2

Polish your phone screen with special polishing wheels. Choose abrasive wheels that are rubber based. They are great for removing deep scratches and leveling the surface on the glass. Their use is only required if the scratches are too deep. After using polishing wheels, it is imperative to use GOI paste.

Step 3

Purchase GOI paste. This paste will be the first assistant in fixing problems with the appearance of your phone. The inventors of the paste, scientists of the State Optical and Mechanical Institute, recommend the use of the paste to eliminate scratches and small cracks. The fact is that it works on the principle when the particles of the paste fill the microscopic space and the depth of the cracks, thereby leveling and smoothing the glass surface of the screen.

Step 4

Apply a small amount of the paste to a thick cotton swab or paper towel.

Step 5

Rub the GOI paste over the glass surface with even circular movements. Carefully polish the entire screen without missing a single millimeter. The missing areas will differ from the polished with a matte sheen.
