How To Assemble A Welding Machine

How To Assemble A Welding Machine
How To Assemble A Welding Machine

Table of contents:


The self-assembled welding machine is lightweight, compact, and has low voltage. It is convenient to use it at home. It also allows you to refuse to call specialized construction equipment and hire a team of welders in cases where you have the qualifications and low complexity of the work required to perform the work.


Welding machine diagram, LATR core, steel tape, aluminum corners, thyristors, aluminum panels, bushings, automatic machine


Step 1

Take a laboratory autotransformer / LATR with a round core. Wrap a steel tape on the inner side of the core to obtain a transformer with an E-shaped core.

Step 2

Assemble the voltage rectification circuit using thyristors.

Step 3

Assemble the welding machine. To do this, weld a frame made of aluminum corners measuring 20 x 20 mm and panels, the thickness of which reaches 2.5-3 mm.

Step 4

Drill ventilation holes in the panels. Attach shelves for thyristors to the sidewall. Insulate their radiators from panels and frame with bushings.

Step 5

Install an AP-50 circuit breaker with a 40 A thermal release, due to which the unit will be protected from overheating.
