How To Extend The Life Of A Smartphone

How To Extend The Life Of A Smartphone
How To Extend The Life Of A Smartphone

Modern smartphones cannot boast of durability, but in the process of use only three components suffer: the battery, the display and the case. The rest of the smartphone components are ready for stable operation, unless the phone is used for water procedures.


Using original chargers can significantly extend battery life.

When charging, you do not need to leave your smartphone in direct sunlight or hide it under a pillow. Modern gadgets have high-capacity batteries, unfortunately sensitive to high temperatures.

In winter, under the influence of low temperatures, the smartphone can arbitrarily go into reboot, and the charge capacity can melt several times faster than usual. Gadgets with a metal case cool many times faster than their plastic counterparts and need a cover more.


No matter how manufacturers equip smartphone displays with a protective coating, this part of a modern phone still needs additional protection. The best option would be to use tempered glass. For a relatively low price, the smartphone acquires protective properties not only from scratches and scuffs, but also quite withstands falls from a height of human growth onto asphalt.

Tempered glass differs not only in the manufacturer, but also in reliability. The designation on the package with the letter H indicates the level of reliability of the bulletproof glass. The best option is 9H, the glass is able to withstand strong impacts and still remains flexible, in this case it can be expected that the edges of the hardened protection will not crack upon impact.

It is the body that interacts with a large number of surfaces on a daily basis. It is only a matter of time before scratches and scuffs appear; covers, covers or pads should be used as protection. If the processor of the smartphone is prone to excessive heat, the priority is bumpers that do not impede airflow
