How To Find The Samsung Firmware Number

How To Find The Samsung Firmware Number
How To Find The Samsung Firmware Number

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You are the proud owner of a Samsung phone. And you will want to make the most of its potential by installing the latest firmware. But first you need to find out which version is already on the phone. After all, it is quite possible that you will not need any update yet.

It is necessary

Samsung phone (required), computer with installed software (optional)


Step 1

Take your phone. Turn it on if necessary. If your Samsung is fully touchscreen, bring up the on-screen keyboard. Dial the combination * # 1234 # on the keyboard. Your firmware number will be displayed on the phone screen. Don't be alarmed if two numbers appear. For example:




S5250CISJH1. In this case, the firmware version is indicated by the upper number - SW VER.

Step 2

Determine the release date of the firmware using one of the sites that provides such a function (you just need to enter the number in a special window, and the system will display the decryption result). Or just remember the Latin alphabet. First, the firmware number indicates the phone model for which it is intended. In this example, it is S5250. The next two letters indicate the countries that the developer of this software was guided by. In our example, (XX) is European countries. (A complete list of letter codes denoting the countries of destination can be found on the Internet, if necessary). The next two letters indicate, respectively, the year and month of the release of the firmware version. In this case, the ordinal number of the letter in the Latin alphabet corresponds to the ordinal number of the year and month in the calendar. That is, the first month - January - is denoted by the letter A. In the example, there is the letter H - the eighth letter of the alphabet - therefore, the version was released in August (8th month). In the designation of the year, only W - 2003 is an exception. Since 2004 (D), letters are assigned according to the same principle. In the example, there is J - the 10th letter - respectively, the year 2010. The 2011 version will be designated by the letter K, 2012 –L. At the very end, the number 1 is indicated - this is the revision number of the installed firmware.

Step 3

Install Samsung Kies on your computer if you haven't done so yet for some reason. It can be downloaded for free from the Samsung website. Launch the program and connect your phone to the computer via the supplied data cable or via Wi-Fi (if your phone supports this method of connection). When connected, select Samsung Kies from the menu on the phone screen. Samsung Kies will independently check the firmware version of your phone and will not only show you the firmware number on your computer monitor, but also check for official updates on the developer's website. If newer versions of the software are found, you can install them immediately.
