How To Transfer Money From A Qiwi Wallet To A Cell Phone

How To Transfer Money From A Qiwi Wallet To A Cell Phone
How To Transfer Money From A Qiwi Wallet To A Cell Phone

You can transfer money from a Qiwi wallet to another wallet of the same system, a bank card or a mobile phone. You can do this in your personal account using the "Withdraw" button.

Qiwi payment system

With the advent of the Internet, a large number of purchases take place there. Electronic payment systems are perfect for these purposes. Their popularity is due to the fact that people prefer to pay for various services and goods without leaving their homes. Qiwi is considered one of the most popular payment services.

Qiwi wallet is a payment system with which you can pay for services, as well as make money transfers. The Qiwi system makes it possible to pay for any type of service: utilities, mobile phone, Internet, television, goods, etc. There is no need to stand in queues anymore, everything is paid as quickly and simply as possible.

Ways to transfer money from Qiwi to mobile

All calculations in the Qiwi service are carried out through the user's personal account. But first you need to register. To do this, you need to go to the official Qiwi website, enter your phone number and click on the "Register" button. Then you just need to come up with a password - and registration will be completed successfully.

After authorization, the user's personal account will open. The main three buttons that are used for work are "Replenish", "Pay" and "Withdraw". In this case, you need to click the "Withdraw" button (you can also use the "Transfer" button, which is located just above the main buttons).

After clicking the "Withdraw" button, a new window will open, where you should fill in the fields with your data. Everything is simple here: you need to indicate the mobile phone number (your own or any other recipient), the transfer amount (the minimum amount, as a rule, is 1 p.) And write a comment on the transfer (although this is optional). After filling in all the data, you need to click on the "Pay" button, and after a short time the money will come to the recipient's account. Just below the "Pay" button there are two more - "Save" and "Schedule". With the help of them, you can either save the fields in advance for subsequent payment, or schedule a money transfer for a specific date.

There is another way to transfer money from Qiwi to mobile. In the personal account (to the left of the main buttons) there is an item "My mobile". After clicking this button, the previously familiar window will open. Payment is exactly the same. The only difference is that the user number specified during registration will be automatically entered in the "Phone number" field. And to transfer money, you just need to specify the amount and click the "Pay" button.
