How To Remove Unnecessary Apps From Android

How To Remove Unnecessary Apps From Android
How To Remove Unnecessary Apps From Android

Removal of third-party programs on devices with the Android operating system is carried out using standard tools. If you need to uninstall a system application, you first need to obtain Superuser rights.

Mobile device manufacturers often install a ton of unnecessary apps on them. And the Android operating system itself is sinful by the fact that it contains a lot of "junk" programs. Fortunately, there are several ways to get rid of these unwanted applications.

Removing third-party applications

Removing non-system programs on Android goes smoothly enough. You just need to go to settings, open the Applications menu and select third-party programs that you don't need. After that, all that remains is to click on the "Delete" button. In a more convenient form, this function is implemented in a program called "ES Explorer". Install "ES Explorer" on your Android, launch the program and select "Application Manager" from the menu. In the window that opens, you will see all the programs installed on your smartphone or tablet. If you long press on the program icon, the "Uninstall" button will appear.

In this way, you can uninstall applications that were not originally preinstalled in the operating system.

Removing system applications

To remove system applications, you need to obtain Superuser rights (the so-called "root-rights"). There are many programs for Android that allow you to get these rights. But you cannot find them on Google Market, tk. Software that allows you to obtain Superuser rights, from the point of view of Google, is not good and is often used to pirate Android applications.

Popular programs for obtaining root rights include Unlock Root, Framaroot, VRoot, and Kingo Android Root. The latter application is installed on a computer to which the mobile device is connected via a USB cable. First, the program installs the drivers it needs to work. After that, just click on the large "Root" button and restart your smartphone or tablet. Upon completion of these actions, you will have Superuser rights.

Now you need to install a program on Android to remove system applications. One of the most popular programs of this kind is Root Explorer. This application is capable of deleting files that are written in the system / app directory. Often, system applications located in this folder, in addition to the file with the.apk extension, have another file with the same name, but with the.odex extension - both the first and the second need to be deleted.

Remember that rooting will automatically void your warranty service. If your mobile device fails, no service center will take it under warranty.
