Coach: Who Is He And What Does He Do

Coach: Who Is He And What Does He Do
Coach: Who Is He And What Does He Do

Coach: who is he and what does he do, how to become a professional business coach, what is the meaning of the work of coaches

A coach is a consultant, personal trainer, mentor and motivator. He helps people find themselves, achieve success in business and life. Unlike a teacher, a coach motivates the student, helps him find answers to important questions and understand himself, and not just shares knowledge.

What is coaching in simple words

The question of what this is - coaching - is increasingly heard among aspiring entrepreneurs. The term, which came to us from the West, is gaining rapid popularity in Russia.

Coaching is group training, during which people learn to set tasks correctly and achieve their goals. The focus is not on the direct achievement of the result, but on the disclosure of the inner potential of a person, motivating him for further activities.

To summarize: who is this coach? It is a personal trainer, motivator, teacher, mentor and psychologist.

Who is a coach: what does he do

So who are coaches and how do they work? This is a person who helps the client to understand himself, find motivation for further activities, answer the questions that torment him.

At the same time, a coach is not a mentor. He is not exclusively concerned with spiritual development. The coach helps to achieve the set goals: to become successful in business, to establish relationships with the opposite sex, to learn how to communicate with the boss, and so on.

In this case, the coach can take on the role of a psychologist. It helps to deal with internal problems, get rid of complexes and suppress doubts. After a coach session, a person is filled with self-confidence and motivation. At the same time, he receives knowledge for further career advancement.

The difference between a coach and a mentor

To answer this question, it is enough to explain what a coach and a coach are in simple words. A mentor is a mentor who is involved in the spiritual development of a student. It helps to understand yourself, to be filled with motivation. The mentor does not provide specific knowledge.

A coach is a person who takes on the role of mentor and teacher at the same time. Together with psychological assistance to the client, they teach specific psychological techniques. The coach provides the knowledge necessary to advance the career ladder.

His sessions are quite specific, and his advice will be useful in future professional activities. This is why coached lessons are considered more rewarding than mentored lessons.

Difference between coaching and training

Speaking about who this business coach is and what he does, one cannot but mention a similar profession to a friend - a coach. A date coach is useful knowledge and at the same time helps to understand yourself, to know your inner world, to get motivated and become more self-confident.

The coach has a "technical" role. He can teach how to use professional programs, communicate with clients, talk about common psychological techniques. At the same time, he does not work with the audience, but simply gives a dry algorithm of actions.

To put it simply, the coach will put the necessary knowledge in his mouth and chew it, and the coach will motivate the client to chew the "mental food" on his own.

How to become a coach

If you know who a coach is and what is the meaning of his activity, then you are probably interested in an unusual profession. To become a trainer and mentor, it is enough to undergo coaching training at the courses

In Russia, this profession is not standardized, so it is not taught at universities.

According to the international classification, there are three levels of coaching:

  • ACC. Associate Certified Coach. Training course - 60 hours, 100 hours of practice.
  • PCC. Professional Certified Coach. 125 hours of theory, 500 hours of practice.
  • MCC. Certified Master Coach.200 hours of theory, 2000 hours of practice.

Self-education in this area is dangerous. A person who has not received the necessary knowledge in the course can be useless and even dangerous for the client. For amateurs, it is typical to impose their opinions, unprofessional behavior, rudeness and even rudeness.

What knowledge and skills a coach should have

Knowing who a coach consultant is, you can easily deduce a list of skills and character traits that a professional coach should have.

The following qualities are important for a mentor:

  • sociability;
  • openness and friendliness;
  • perseverance and patience;
  • psycho-emotional stability.

For representatives of this profession, attractive appearance and good physical fitness, the absence of bad habits and addictions are important.

To work, you will need skills such as:

  1. Creativity. A person should be able to think creatively, generate unusual ideas.
  2. Ability to have the interlocutor to yourself. A good coach quickly finds contact with the student.
  3. Broad outlook. Coaching presupposes a certain intellectual level, the ability to understand many areas of life.
  4. Analytical mind. A good mentor has a flexible mind, knows how to think logically.
  5. Flexibility, learning, readiness for rapid professional growth.

The coach should be able to take a neutral position, be polite and friendly to the client, not impose his opinion.

Coaching methods

Knowing who a business coach and trainer is, you can determine what methods a specialist uses in his work.

Basic coaching tools:

  • active listening;
  • brainstorm;
  • posing "strong" questions;
  • stress management;
  • effective personnel management;
  • teamwork and setting group tasks;
  • effective communication.

A coach is both a teacher and a psychologist.

Types of coaching

There are several options for coaching.

Academic coaching

An academic coach is a person who does not provide any skills in terms of professional development. Its task is to teach a person to learn, to motivate him to acquire new knowledge.

After completing such training, a person learns:

  • get new knowledge wherever possible;
  • structure all received information;
  • find motivation to learn;
  • correctly build the process of self-education;
  • become persistent, self-confident, open to new knowledge.

An academic coaching course is the best choice for people who are just starting to develop in this field.

Business coaching, financial

Who are financial coaches? These are people who work at the enterprise, conducting trainings for the team. It helps create a creative work environment. Thanks to such trainings, the team rallies, gets motivated to work together, learns to be a team.

After the session, people acquire the following skills:

  • motivation to work for the benefit of the enterprise;
  • teamwork skills;
  • the ability to resolve conflicts and find a common language with colleagues;
  • striving for professional and career growth.

Personal coaching

A personal coach is a person who conducts personal training. It helps a person determine his goals in life, find his place and achieve success in his career.

Personal coaching results:

  • getting rid of complexes and insecurities;
  • the emergence of motivation for personal development;
  • leaving the comfort zone;
  • the emergence of success in the field of career and personal life;
  • pumping communication skills, the ability to resolve conflicts.

Personal coaching is indicated for insecure and withdrawn people with attention deficit disorder.

Coaching stages

Coach sessions usually take place in several stages. Let's dwell on each of them in detail.

Goal setting and awareness of its reality

The first step towards success is setting a goal. As a rule, coaches recommend their clients to use the SMART system. With its help, you can formulate a clear goal, break it down into stages and set criteria for assessing the result.

At this stage, the coach:

  • helps the client to correctly formulate the goal and break it down into several stages;
  • motivates to achieve results;
  • shows that the goal is real and can be achieved through hard work.

Setting a goal is one of the most important steps towards achieving it.

Analysis of the necessary ingredients for success

Success is a non-mythical part of the life of the lucky ones. Everyone can achieve it, the main thing is to set the goal correctly. At this stage, the coach helps to determine what is needed to achieve the result.

Coaching involves following several principles to achieve a result:

  • take and do;
  • Always say yes";
  • challenge yourself;
  • set goals;
  • stand firmly on your feet;
  • be conscientious;
  • fill your life with bright colors.

The criteria for achieving the result must be formulated by the client himself. The task of the coach is to direct him in the right direction and motivate him to fulfill his goal.

Analysis of available opportunities

The next step is to analyze the current situation. Together with the coach, the person must identify their strengths and learn to focus on them.

According to positive psychology, strengths can be:

  • creativity;
  • curiosity;
  • critical thinking;
  • love to gain new knowledge;
  • wisdom;
  • bravery;
  • perseverance;
  • honesty;
  • energy;
  • flexibility;
  • sociability;
  • ability to work in a team;
  • leadership skills;
  • the ability to forgive;
  • conscientiousness and so on.

If the client already has the necessary skills, it is not worth spending time working on them.

Determining ways to achieve goals, choosing a strategy

At this stage, the goal is broken down into several subtasks. The coach and the client must determine how the desired result can be achieved. Together they form a strategy and a personal plan.

At this stage, you can use one of the strategies:

  • Karate strategy. One goal should close several others at once, open new roads for the client.
  • Silent strategy. Don't talk about your plans. The client should share only the achievements already available.
  • Mindfulness strategy. You need to live here and now, so it is important to look only into the foreseeable future.

The coach's job is to nudge the client, not preach.

Monitoring the achievement of the goal and analysis of the result

The main task of the coach is to observe. This phase of the session takes the most time. The job of a good coach is to control the client's performance. To do this, he must periodically share his successes.

At the same time, the coach should not condemn a person if he gets lost in his personal schedule. You can praise, give motivation, push to achieve results. All this must be done unobtrusively. The client should not feel like a schoolboy who is being chastised by a teacher.

Coaching prospects

Coaching is a promising profession. Its popularity is rapidly gaining momentum.

Coaching has many benefits:

  • Relevance. The demand for the profession is growing. In the next ten years, businessmen will need coaches, so a specialist will not be left without a job.
  • Free schedule and the ability to work for yourself. The coach does not depend on the boss - he is a free person building his own business.
  • Continuous growth of personal qualities. By helping clients develop, the mentor develops himself. There is no stagnation or routine in this job.
  • Enjoyment of the client's success. Seeing how another person grows before your eyes, you will feel moral satisfaction.

Mentors can count on high salaries. In Europe, an hour of consultation can be estimated at several thousand dollars. In Russia - 5-6 thousand rubles. Working with a business coach is estimated at 15 thousand rubles per hour.


A coach is a professional trainer who provides useful knowledge, motivates for professional development, helps in personal and career growth. It can be a sociable, open and benevolent person who knows how to win over other people.

Coaching is a demanded profession. The earnings of a specialist can reach up to 15 thousand rubles per hour.
