Of all the brands of mobile phones, Nokia is the most counterfeit. In terms of their quality, such fakes are very different from each other. Some can be recognized immediately, while others have a huge resemblance to the original.
Step 1
Remember, just because a Nokia phone says it is made in China doesn’t mean it’s counterfeit. Some models of devices from this manufacturer are officially produced there. They have nothing to do with fakes. As for chargers and other accessories, they are made only in China.
Step 2
Directly ask the seller if he offers a fake. Many sellers do not even hide this. Sometimes they even put such devices on a separate shelf, which explicitly states that they are counterfeit.
Step 3
Remember that underground passages sell almost exclusively fake phones from hands. On the market, you can be offered both a real and a counterfeit Nokia device, but if it is used, it is almost always genuine (fake ones often break down before they become used, but be sure to ask the seller to show the box with the same IMEI number, the same as the phone to make sure it is not stolen). There are practically no counterfeit phones in communication salons with well-known names, as well as in company stores.
Step 4
Do not think that the absence of a typo in the name of the device is a guarantee of its authenticity. Not all fakes are named "NOKLA". Many are adorned with the original logo - "NOKIA".
Step 5
Check out the list of functions that may not be in a counterfeit device even if they are in a genuine one: capacitive touchscreen, GPS, WiFi, multitasking, AMOLED, HDMI, 3G, J2ME, autofocus, large matrix in the camera, xenon flash.
Step 6
Check out the list of functions that may be in a counterfeit device even if they are not in a genuine one: resistive touchscreen (including, instead of a capacitive one), stylus, support for two SIM-cards, analog TV tuner, similar to a touchpad with icons, analog TV tuner.
Step 7
Make sure there are no grammatical or translation errors in all menu items. However, if you find such errors and inaccuracies in the UCWEB browser installed on a used phone, this is not a sign of a fake. This is a browser of Chinese origin (hence the typos) that may have been installed on this phone by the previous owner.