How To Use A Binary Watch And Where To Buy It

How To Use A Binary Watch And Where To Buy It
How To Use A Binary Watch And Where To Buy It

A binary clock is a newfangled device, albeit a little incomprehensible. There are no hands or a dial on them, but there are many beautifully flashing lights, like in movies about space adventures. The only difficulty is how to recognize by these LEDs what time it is. But you can still find a certain logic in them. Each watch has its own coding system. Using the most popular of them as an example, you can learn the wisdom of other models.

As for the purchase of such watches, you can buy them both in regular stores and order on the manufacturer's website, which can cost you even cheaper. However, remember that clocks are not clocks. This is especially true for the price. For example, Japanese or German models will cost you 5-8 thousand, and Chinese counterparts can cost 300 rubles each. But their quality is also appropriate.

The Tokyoflash Kisai Broke watch shows hours on the outer circumference of the lights, and minutes on the inner circle (one point = 5 minutes). The line in the center is the minutes to be added to the minutes in the inner circle.

The Tokyoflash Nekura scramble has 12 diodes on the sides, 11 in the middle (just like in Kisai Broke - these are five minutes), and 4 "extra minutes" on top.

At The One Samui Moon Binary, in order to understand what time is now, you need to add the numbers that are on the panel.

Tokyoflash Kisai Light Speed. The two tracks on the right are hours and on the left are minutes. But there are also diamonds on the dial: +1 and +2 minutes.

Typically, binary clocks follow these principles of timing. The main thing is to practice and get used to it.
