How To Disable Subscription To MTS

How To Disable Subscription To MTS
How To Disable Subscription To MTS

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Subscribers using the communication services of the MTS operator can activate subscriptions on their phones. This means the connection of any service (for example, getting a daily horoscope). Unsubscribe can be done through the self-service system.


Step 1

The mentioned system is called "Internet Assistant". To enter it, go to the MTS website and click on the appropriate column. However, you cannot just use the system, since registration is required. This procedure is fast enough and does not take much time. The subscriber will only need to set a password for his phone number. This can be done by calling the short number 1118. In addition, sending a USSD request * 111 * 25 # is available. By the way, it should be remembered that your password must consist of a certain number of characters (from four to seven).

Step 2

Now enter all the necessary data in the authorization window (indicate the phone number without the eight). After that, you will be taken to the main menu of the "Internet Assistant". In the left column you will find the "Subscriptions" column, click on it. Next, you will see a list of all connected subscriptions. To unsubscribe from any of them, click on the "Remove subscription" button.

Step 3

Keep in mind that the self-service system will help you disable not only the subscription, but also the regular service. To do this, go to another section called "Tariffs and Services". In it, select the "Service Management" item. Opposite each active service there is a "Disable" button. Use it to give up the one you no longer need.

Step 4

You can deactivate unnecessary services thanks to another online service, Mobile Assistant. To unsubscribe, dial 111 and press the call button. By the way, no money is charged for a call to the specified number (but only if you are on your home network).
