How To Send SMS To Azerbaijan

How To Send SMS To Azerbaijan
How To Send SMS To Azerbaijan

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If a person close to you is in Azerbaijan, the possibilities of modern cellular communication allow you to send him an SMS message to the number of any of the operators existing in this country.


Step 1

Azerbaijan, like any other country, has its own telephone code. If you want to send a regular SMS message from a mobile phone, dial +994 on the keyboard, then the operator code and the subscriber number. In a few minutes, the SMS will go to the recipient's phone, but it will cost quite a lot, since this is an international connection. Remember that if the subscriber's phone was temporarily turned off or for some reason was outside the network coverage area, the SMS will remain on the server of the cellular company, and when the phone is working, the SMS will reach the addressee.

Step 2

There are several ways to send SMS for free. There are many free SMS sites on the Internet, for example, sms_to_country.php? id = 4, or Go to this site, if necessary, go through the registration and select the desired country. In the field for entering the number, sequentially enter the country code +994, the code of the mobile operator, the number of individual subscriber communications. In the special field, enter the text of your SMS and click the "Send" button. The free service works at the same speed as a regular mobile connection

Step 3

You can also send an SMS message using Skype or ICQ. To work in Skype, first deposit money into the account, then dial the subscriber's number, taking into account the code and enter the text of the message. ICQ provides the same capabilities, but is completely free software. In addition, if the subscriber can afford to install such a program on the phone, it is much more convenient not to write SMS, but to conduct a full-fledged dialogue using text messages. Skype provides the ability to communicate in a general chat, that is, you can have a general conversation with several people at once, even if they are in distant Azerbaijan.
