How To Determine Where A Person Is By Phone Number

How To Determine Where A Person Is By Phone Number
How To Determine Where A Person Is By Phone Number

If it becomes necessary to find out where the person who called on the mobile phone is, it is quite possible to do this. You just need to know about some of the opportunities that cellular companies provide.

Situations are not uncommon when, in the event of an emergency, the location of a loved one remains unknown for a long time. This is always alarming, parents are especially worried when children do not get in touch for a long time. Fortunately, cellular operators can help you find out where a person is, but this must be taken care of in advance.

How to use this service

All members of the main trio: Megafon, Beeline and MTS connect this service equally quickly and easily. Only the short numbers to which you need to send SMS will differ. The only condition is that the request must be made from the phone of the person for whom this service will be enabled, and he must agree to determine where he is by the phone number. When the service is enabled, the mobile operator will charge a monthly subscription fee for this service, but this is a very reasonable price for peace of mind.

Megafon services

This mobile operator provides several tariff plans.

  1. Among them, the "Beacon" is especially popular - to determine the location of the child. This service is quite justified, and in conjunction with electronic maps and electronic diaries, parents can be sure that everything is in order with their children.
  2. For elderly, often ill subscribers "Megafon" also offers a special tariff that allows you to establish a quick connection in case of illness or other troubles.
  3. Locator service - it can be turned on without the knowledge of the owner of the phone, if similar services are already connected on the phone. This option can be used to determine the position of the subscriber on the electronic map.

Beeline services

The main condition is that the subscriber must agree to determine his coordinates. Each time, when you need to determine its location, you need to send SMS "L" to the short number 684. If the subscriber does not want, the operator will not help.

Another service "Beeline Coordinates" is gaining popularity. Its connection is free, only a subscription fee is charged. Subscriber's consent is required.

MTS services

This operator also makes it possible to control the location of the child by sending an SMS “mother” to the short number 7788. The service is valid for 2 weeks.

The corporate communications package also provides such a service. This is very convenient for tracking the quality of work of logistics and transport companies.

Ability to create a USSD request

From the number of any mobile operator, you can dial characters in the following order: * 148 * / wanted number (via code +7) / call. The subscriber receives an SMS with a request for consent to the provision of such a service. If confirmation is received, the required coordinates of where the person is will be sent to the number from which the request was generated. The request must be confirmed - for this, send an SMS with your phone number to 000888.
