What Is A Whale Lens?

What Is A Whale Lens?
What Is A Whale Lens?

The description of cameras in electronics stores consists not only of the model name, but also of some characteristics. An important aspect of work is the presence or absence of a lens in the kit. To indicate this, the inscription Kit or Body is indicated on the box and the price tag.

Kit lens, or kit lens, is a standard lens that is sold with the camera itself. A similar product with the inscription Body does not have any lens in the kit, which means you need to purchase it separately. Usually a whale lens is attached to semi-professional interchangeable-lens cameras.

Varieties of kit lenses

As standard, kit lenses 18-55 mm are supplied with Canon, Sony, Nikon cameras, the numeric parameters indicate the focal length.

Focal length is the distance (in millimeters or centimeters) from the center of the front lens to a point that is an image of an infinitely distant object. In this case, the sharpness in the lens should be set to infinity.

Such a lens is a "short kit", but for the first photographs on a new DSLR it is quite suitable. In stores, you can also see long-range devices for photographing objects that are far away, such as birds in flight or ducks in the lake.

There are also double kit cameras, which, in addition to the camera itself, include two lenses - with a short focal length and a long kit. Such kits are most often purchased by advanced amateur photographers. These lenses are zoomable, that is, you can change the focal length on them, which means you can zoom in or out, which is one of the advantages of these models.

The specifications of the included lens are quite modest. It is unprofitable for manufacturers to give good copies as a gift for a camera, therefore, having figured out the settings, in a few months many beginner amateur photographers buy a new lens.

But buying a Body camera right away, that is, without the initial optics, is also not easy. To do this, you need to immediately understand the shooting goals well, read a few articles or consult with professionals, so a whale lens is a good start.

If you are just going to buy a camera, an important addition to the kit lens is a filter that will help keep the lens from external influences.

Lack of a whale lens

One of the main drawbacks of the kit is its low aperture, that is, you will hardly be able to photograph in the dark. At fast shutter speeds, the pictures will be too dark, and if you want to slow the shutter speed, you will need a tripod, otherwise the picture will be blurry due to slight fluctuations.
