How To Turn On IPhone

How To Turn On IPhone
How To Turn On IPhone

It often happens that iPhone users turn off their device on their own. Sometimes this happens due to low battery power, in some cases - due to the phone being rebooted. How do you get your phone back to life again?

  • The first step is to connect your iPhone to the charger and wait 15-20 minutes.
  • If the reason for the shutdown was a low battery level, then the phone should turn on. If nothing happened, and you still see a black screen on your mobile device, then feel free to move on to the next item.
  • Try pressing two buttons at once: the main key on the screen and the power button. Keep it on for 15 seconds. A white apple should appear on the screen, and then the whole system will boot. Again, if that didn't happen, read on.
  • Move the mute switch in different directions. In some cases, this step will fix the problem and turn on the phone.
  • If suddenly you have been in the cold for a long time, then it is almost entirely possible to say that your iPhone does not turn on for this very reason. Let it warm up and then put it on charge.
  • Check your charger is working properly. It may be causing you to be unable to fully charge your phone (even if the screen shows the battery is working).
  • If you have tried all the steps described above, but your phone still shows only a black screen, therefore, some system elements are out of order. It is necessary to take the iPhone to a service center and find out what exactly prevents the mobile device from turning on. If you have warranty cards on hand, then the recovery service workers are obliged to repair your phone free of charge and return it already turned on.
